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Boy Scout Troop 342
(Los Gatos, California)
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                      Troop 342 Eagles Nest 


Since 1968 Troop 342 has enjoyed a rich tradition of honoring our Eagle Scouts.  Now we bring that tradition to our website.  Look over the names and dates of our Eagle Scouts and be proud of the hard work and dedication they have demonstrated through their Scout Spirit - namely, living the Scout law and Oath. 

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obidient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.

              Be Prepared.
                            On my honor I will do mybest                                    
                            To do my duty to God and my country                            
                            and to obey the Scout Law;
                            To help other people at all times;
                            To keepmyself physically srtong,
                            mentally awake, and morally straight.

Daniel C Killip    1968     Jonathan  Scanlon    1997            
Michael T Murphy    1970   Kristopher  Bostic  2000   
Timothy D Harris    1970    Nicholas Alderson    2001
Justin B Horner    1984      Patrick Bostic    2002        
Robert L Beard    1986       Dan Curcio    2002
Ken E Roger    1987           Sean Wehrman    2002
Richard H Matsuura    1987    Thomas Fifield    2002 
Ronald Y Matsuura    1987      Alan Wehrman    2004
John L Muller    1991              Richard Fifield    2004
Bryce S Kumagai    1991         Austin M Reed    2006 
Charles E Beris    1991            Ryan Cena    2007  
Justin L Hicks    1991              Zachary Todd    2009    
Christopher B Swanson   1992     Jason Cena    2010
Kevin M Carson    1992            Rick Morrison    2010   
Stephen M Brashear    1992     Aaron Gabel    2011  
John V Pozniak    1994             Benjamin Hibner    2012  
Alan J Johnson    1994             Wyatt Lemons    2012  
Marc J Brashear    1994