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Boy Scout Troop 11
(Jefferson City, Missouri)
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 Standing at a trailhead with a small group of friends. Its early morning , and the air is filled with the scent of pine and honeysuckle. In a nearby tree a squirrel is chattering away. An eagle circles high overhead, soaring gracefully on unseen air currents. At the trailhead, a weathered trail sign reads simply, "Adventure Ahead !!" .

  That's it. No description, no distance, just the promise of some untold adventure. You can't tell just where the trail leads, but that doesn't really matter, because you know the journey is the reward.

 And so without a word, you and your friends smile, pick up your backpacks, and take your first steps into adventure, into excitement and into the future.

 Imagine what you will discover on your next Scouting adventure.......